
PigSwap Advertising Opportunities

Pop-Up Ads

We can promote your event, company or product through pop-up ads that will appear on site when users log in. Your ad size can vary, but 800×600 pixels is optimal.

Box Banners

Box Banners appear at the bottom of every page. We can currently fit 4 spots, but box banners can appear in the sidebar of certain pages for additional exposure.

Business Profiles

Your business can become a member and interact with our other members, sending them messages, uploading pictures to your profile, and creating classified ads and tour messages to promote where you are going to be.

Member E-mails

We can send your image and message to our entire membership and promote your event, business or products via their personal email addresses in addition to their online message inbox.

Landing Pages

Your company can promote itself with it’s own landing page, that can include videos, images, galleries, links and more! Your landing page will be featured in our menu for quick access by our membership.